Member of the Talking News Federation
Contact Us
Our team of readers and the duplicators who post the memory sticks in the pouches hope our listeners enjoy the mix of articles that are chosen and read each week from the Wiltshire Times.
We are all delighted to provide a window on what is happening in West Wiltshire and thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers there is no cost in producing and circulating the memory sticks for our listeners.
However every time someone new would like to join our group of listeners we need to provide them with pouches, memory sticks and a player at a total cost of around £50. Also from time to time we have to replace any items that become damaged or faulty.
We want to be able to keep our service free to join, so we’d be very grateful if you’d consider a donation to top up our funds. If you are one of our listeners, notes or cheques can be slipped into the pouch when you next return the memory stick. Coins should not be put in the pouches as they are likely to fall out and be lost.
If you are sending a cheque please make it payable to Trowbridge Talking News and if you are not using the pouches it can be posted to our Treasurer at 7 Tower Close, Trowbridge, BA14 9EP.